Kathmandu to Chitwan National Park

Looking for how to reach Kathmandu to Chitwan National Park then we offer detailed information about it. Kathmandu to Chitwan National Park is approx 180 KM by a surface. There are different modes of transport like Bus, Car, Flight to reach Chitwan National Park. Chitwan National Park is one of the renowned national parks in Nepal which used to be the hunting for the royal family previously. Chitwan is the home of the Royal Bengal Tiger, One Horn Rhino, Sloth Bear, Leopard, Ghadiyal, and many more.

Kathmandu to Chitwan National Park by Tourist Bus

Kathmandu to Chitwan National Park

Kathmandu to Chitwan National Park by Tourist Bus is the best and the cheapest way to reach your destination. The tourist bus leaves Kathmandu early in the morning so you need to have your breakfast in a rush if you wish to choose the bus. The bus leaves from Shorakhutte at 07:00 AM and reaches Chitwan National Park approx 12 Noon. Buses make 2 stops before reaching Chitwan. One short stop in Naubase for 10 minutes and another in Malekhu for Lunch.

Bus Details Ticket Price Bus Time
Tourist Bus 700 Per Person 07:00 AM
Super Deluxe Bus 800 Per Person 07:00 AM

A bus travels from the different landscapes before reaching the destination. You can see a different range of mountains during this travel. And in the summertime, you also can see the White Water Rafting in Trishuli river on the way to Chitwan National Park.

Kathmandu to Chitwan National Park by Car

Kathmandu to Chitwan National Park

Renting a car is a safe and comfortable way to reach Chitwan National Park. Car hire is easy a cup of tea in Kathmandu. A car takes approx 5 hrs to reach Chitwan from Kathmandu. You can make a different stop as per your need during this journey. Traveling by the edge of the Trishuli river and watching water sports is the best attraction of this journey. Now the road condition of Narayanghat to Chitwan is very good so you won’t get stuck in the traffic. Car rental is slightly costly compared to bus tickets however cheaper than flight.

Kathmandu to Chitwan National Park by Flight

Kathmandu to Chitwan National Park

Kathmandu to Chitwan National Park by flight is the fast and easy way to travel. The flight time is only 20 min to reach the nearest airport, Bharatpur. You need to travel extra more 20 KM to reach Sauraha or any other destination as per your booked accommodation. There are daily more than 5 flights from Kathmandu to Bharatpur. Buddha Air & Yeti Airlines are the two major operators who operate daily flights.


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