Animals in Chitwan National Park

There are 68 Animals in Chitwan National Park according to Chitwan National Park website. Animals in Chitwan National Park are preserved well by the national park authorities along with Nepal Army and local authorities.

Royal Bengal Tiger

Endangered Animals in Nepal

Bengal Tiger is commonly called Bhagh in Nepali. According to a recent survey, there are approx 135 tigers in Chitwan National Park.

One Horn Rhino

Endangered Animals in Nepal

One horned Rhinoceros is called Gaida in Nepal where its scientific name is Rhinoceros unicornis.

Himalayan Musk Deer

Endangered Animals in Nepal

Himalayan Musk Deer which is known by the name of Kasturi Mriga in Nepali. Its scientific name is Moschus Chrys-gaster leucogaster.

Dolphin Sons

Endangered Animals in Nepal

Dolphin Sons are known as Delphinus Delphis in the scientific name.

Swamp Deer

Endangered Animals in Nepal

Swamp Deer is called as Barahsigae in the local language in Nepal. Its scientific name is Rucervus duvaucelii.

Asiatic Elephant

Endangered Animals in Nepal

Asiatic Elephant is known as Jangali Hatti in Nepali. Its scientific name is Elephas maximus.

Four-horned Antelope

Endangered Animals in Nepal

Four-horned Antelope is known as Chauka in Nepali. Tetracerus quadricornis is the scientific name of this animal.

Black Buck

Endangered Animals in Nepal

Black Buck is known as Krishna Shar in Nepali.  Antilope cervicapra is the scientific name of this wild animal.

Sloth Beer

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