Kathmandu to Pashupatinagar Bus Ticket

Looking for Kathmandu to Pashupatinagar Bus Ticket then we arrange Kathmandu to Pashupatinagar, ticket or Pashupatinagar to Kathmandu bus tickets. Kathmandu to Pashupatinagar is approx 655 KM and can be reached within 16 hours by road. Kathmandu to Pashupatinagar bus ticket cost Rs 2000 per person. The bus we provide from Kathmandu to Pashupatinagar is a modern luxury bus with wifi, an A/c deluxe bus with comfortable seats Water, Music in a ticket.

Kathmandu to Pashupatinagar leaves from Gongabu at 01:00 PM towards the destination. The bus’s last stop is Pashupatinagar.

Kathmandu to Pashupatinagar Bus Schedule

Bus Sector Departure Arrival Fare
Kathmandu – Pashupatinagar 01:00 PM 06:00 AM Rs.2000

Pashupatinagar to Kathmandu Bus Schedule 

Bus Sector Departure Arrival Fare
Pashupatinagar– Kathmandu 01:00 PM 06:00 AM Rs.2000