Kathmandu to Lumbini Bus Ticket

Looking for Kathmandu to Lumbini Bus Ticket, then, we arrange Kathmandu to Lumbini bus ticket or Lumbini to Kathmandu bus tickets. Kathmandu to Lumbini is approx 290 KM and can be reached within 10 hours by road. Kathmandu to Lumbini bus ticket costs Rs 1500 per person. The bus we provide from Kathmandu to Lumbini is a modern luxury bus with AC, TV, Mobile Charger, Water, Music, Seat Belt, Fixed Glass, Television, Air Suspension.

Kathmandu to Lumbini leaves from Gongabu bus park at 06:30 PM towards the destination. The bus’s last stop is Lumbini. We use the Kasthamandap Metro A.C Bus in this route along with other options. 

Kathmandu to Lumbini Elite Sofa with Thigh Rest 

Kathmandu to Lumbini Bus Schedule

Bus Sector Departure Arrival Fare
Kathmandu – Lumbini 07:30 PM 06:00 AM Rs.1600
Kathmandu to Lumbini 07:00 AM 05:00 PM Rs 1600

Lumbini to Kathmandu Bus Schedule

Bus Sector Departure Arrival Fare
Lumbini – Kathmandu 07:30 PM 06:00 AM Rs. 1600
Lumbini – Kathmandu 07:00 AM 05:00 PM Rs 1600

Kathmandu to Lumbini Bus Ticket Booking 

In order to confirm your reservation, we need payment in advance which is Rs 1500 per person. Once the payment is received, we will send you the ticket details via text message, email, or any other social media apps.

Payment Option: +977-9851236336 – eSewa, IME Pay, Khalti or Prabhu Pay

If you don’t have any of the above-mentioned options then ask for bank account details, we will send them for you.

Kathmandu Lumbini AC Bus Ticket with Sofa Seat Bus

Planning for your trip to Lumbini with comfort then traveling in air suspension sofa seat bus is the perfect option for you. Less crowded, more specious, extra luxury and modern bus makes this long journey easy. Daily bus leaves from Kathmandu to Lumbini at night which can be booked with us.

Sofa bus from Kathmandu to Lumbini is available at night only so you need to plan for night travel if you wish to travel to Lumbini.