Kathmandu to Dharan Bus Ticket

Looking for Kathmandu to Dharan Bus Ticket then we arrange Kathmandu Dharan bus ticket or Dharan to Kathmandu bus tickets. Kathmandu to Dharan is approx 543 KM and can be reached within 16 hours approx by road. Kathmandu to Dharan bus ticket cost Rs 2000 per person in Sofa Seater Bus and 1700 per  per person in  2X2 Air suspension Bus. The bus we provide from Kathmandu to Dharan is a modern luxury bus with AC, TV, Mobile Charger, Water Bottle, comfortable seat in a ticket.

Kathmandu to Dharan leaves from Jorpati at 03:00 PM towards the destination. The bus’s last stop is Dharan.

Features of Kathmandu Dharan Bus 

  • Mobile Charger
  • Air Condition 
  • Seat Belts 
  • Complimentary Water bottle 
  • Air Suspension Bus 
  • Television 
  • Fan 
  • Comfortable Seats 
  • Reading lights 

Bus route of Kathmandu Dharan 

Our bus leaves from Jorpati at 3:00 Pm and which goes all the way to Chhabahil – Gausala – Airport – Tinkune – Koteshwor – Gwarkot – Satdobato – Balkhu – Kalanki and all the way towards Muglin via road. 

Kathmandu to Dharan Bus Schedule

Bus Sector Departure Arrival Fare
Kathmandu -Dharan
VIP Sofa Bus.
03:00 PM 08:00 AM Rs.1700


Dharan  to Kathmandu Bus Schedule

Bus Sector Departure Arrival Fare
Dharan – Kathmandu 04:00 PM 08:00 AM Rs.2000

Kathmandu to Dharan Bus Ticket

How to Book Kathmandu Dharan Bus Ticket

Want to book Kathmandu to Dharan bus ticket then it can be done in different ways. The easiest way to book Kathmandu – Dharan bus is via visiting our office in Thamel. You can pay instantly and collect your tourist bus ticket as your seat selection.

It’s easy to book a Kathmandu Dharan bus ticket that can be booked over the phone or by email. You can ring us on our phone number to confirm your bus ticket and other details.

Step One: Call us or send a message in our WhatApp’s / Viber – +977-9851236336

Step Two: Get seat confirmation and make payment to confirm your reservation.

Step Three: Make payment in our wallet or bank account. 9851236336 – Manoj Ghimire – eSewa/Khalti/IME Pay/ Prabhu Pay

Step Four: Receive ticket confirmation in your message.

Cancellation Policy of Kathmandu Dharan Bus Ticket

There is certain charges of cancellation upon the bus ticket charges. Here go the time frame and cancellation charges below:

  • Less than a week up to 3 days before the travel date – 5 % applied to total ticket fare
  • Less than 3 days and up to 24 hours before the travel date – 10 % applied of the total ticket fare
  • Less than 24 hours up to 12 hours before the travel time – 25 % applied of the total ticket fare
  • If you cancel less than 12 hours before departure time – NO REFUND