Looking for Kathmandu to Dang Bus Ticket then we arrange Kathmandu to Dang bus ticket or Dang to Kathmandu bus tickets. Kathmandu to Dang is approx 45o KM and can be reached within 10 hours by road. Kathmandu to Dang bus ticket costs Rs 1300 per person for non-ac and Air condition bus ticket cost Rs 1600 per person. The bus we provide from Kathmandu to Dang is a modern luxury bus with Mobile Charger, Water Bottle on a ticket.
हालको लागि यो सेवा बन्द गरिएको छ
Kathmandu to Dang leaves from Gongabu and Kanalki at 05:00 PM towards the destination. The bus’s last stop is Tulsipur.
Kathmandu to Dang Bus Schedule
Bus Sector | Departure | Arrival | Fare |
Kathmandu – Dang Deluxe Bus | 05:00 PM | 07:00 AM | Rs 1300 |
Kathmandu – Dang A/C Bus | 05:15 PM | 07:30 AM | Rs 1600 |
Dang to Kathmandu Bus Schedule
Bus Sector | Departure | Arrival | Fare |
Dang – Kathmandu Deluxe Bus | 05:00 PM | 05:00 AM | Rs. 1300 |
Dang – Kathmandu A/C Bus | 05:15 PM | 07:30 AM | Rs 1600 |
Map of Kathmandu to Dang Bus Park
Kathmandu to Dang Bus Ticket FAQS
How is the road condition of Kathmandu Dang Route?
The Road between Kathmandu to Dang is pretty good. Kathmandu to Muglin will be a slow ride however, after Muglin, the road is smooth. You will enjoy the ride between Kathmandu to Dang by bus.
Can I book the bus ticket over the phone? ☎️
Yes, you can book the bus ticket over the phone but need to need to visit our office to collect the tickets. Or you can pay online and receive the ticket too.
How frequent bus stops in Kathmandu Dang journey?
No, the bus doesn’t stop frequently during this journey. The road journey is pretty long so the bus makes a stop for Dinner and urinal purpose otherwise, the bus won’t stop.