About Nepal

About Nepal – Draped along with the mighty and mystical Himalayan range, Nepal is profusely endowed with bio-diversity and geographical variations. It has almost one-third stretch of the Himalayan range and houses eight of 14 highest peaks on the planet, including the Mt. Everest. Besides, there is an amazing assortment of other equally overpowering peaks and pinnacles, 90 of them over 7000m in altitude. Mountains and hills occupy two-thirds of Nepal’s territory and the altitudinal variation ranges from 60m above sea level to 8848m, the pinnacle of Mt. Everest, within a mere distance of 150m.Day Tour Nepal

The country is divided into three ecological belts: the plain lowland (Terai), the midland (hills, doons, and valleys) and the mountains. These ecological zones have five climatic zones ranging from the subtropical zone below 1,200m in altitude; the temperate zone from 1,200m to 2,400m with cool temperate in the hilly belt; the cold zone from 2,400m to 3,600m; the subarctic zone from 3,600 4,400m and the arctic zone above 4,400 m in altitude.

Nepal is well known for wildlife conservation and the protected areas in Nepal cover almost one-quarter of the
country’s various geographical regions from the sub-tropical jungles to the alpine mountain region. There are 12 national parks, one wildlife reserve, one hunting reserve, and four conservation areas. Considering the outstanding universal values of Chitwan and Sagarmatha National Parks, UNESCO has enlisted these sites as the natural World Heritage Sites. These protected areas cover a wide variety of vegetation with tropical and subtropical rainforests in the Terai to deciduous monsoon forests in the hills, alpine grasslands and tundra vegetation in the mountain region. The unique geography of Nepal fosters a variety of ecosystems, therefore, a country, which occupies only 0.1% landmass°f the earth. Nepal also has one of the richest cultural landscapes found an where in the world with a population of 28million, there are more than 123 ethnic groups and 120 spoken languages.

Despite having the predominantly Hindu population (around 80%), society cherishes social harmony among people of different ethnicities and faiths. Equal reverence to the Living Goddess, Kumari, and Lord Sakyamuni Buddha (commonly known as Buddha) by both Hindus and Buddhists is the perfect testament of interfaith tolerance and social harmony. With these rich natural and cultural heritage, Nepal serves up the world a whole gamut of holiday options; from relishing the charms of an ancient city in a leisurely walk to the ultimate challenge of climbing the tallest peak on the planet.

(6) Comments

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